On Doing Great
How are you?
I'm doing great! Super busy right now, so many interesting projects
going on that I hardly have time to sleep! So inspiring!
when I would have time to sleep I just can't because my to-do list
keeps spinning around in my head getting longer and longer, I have no
clean socks anymore and no time to wash them and every new work
request makes me want to vomit the lunch I forgot to eat because it's
just all too much and I want to die on a desert island with a book
and a bottle of wine and never hear a second of music ever again.)
How are you?
great, thanks! I'm working less nowadays and it feels awesome. I have
so much more time to enjoy life and take care of myself. It's really
important for a musician to have other things in their life as well,
not just their career.
having a dry spell. Very little work coming this way, and I lie awake
at night worrying about next month's rent and whether I should
retrain as a shop assistant. I'm having so much me-time that I'm
starting to thoroughly despise myself, and I'd pay to get a gig.)
How are you?
good! So busy applying for all these grants that are due now - I've got such a
cool concert idea I'm looking forward to creating!
I'm pretty sure other people will get all the money I would've
deserved. My confidence in the idea sails from high to low - one day
I'm booking Carnegie Hall sure that the different foundations are
dying to pour money into my brilliant scheme, and the next I'm
burning my application papers because the idea is commonplace,
outdated, and hopelessly naive.)
How are you?
be better - I'm teaching so much these days, and my students give me
so much energy. It's so inspiring to watch them learn!
have hand problems but I really don't want to talk about it. I'm
afraid I'll never perform again if this doesn't heal, and I feel like
I've lost half of my identity. Without my students I'd starve in a
ditch. My cheeks hurt from all the encouraging smiling and my head is
full of recent pop tunes spiced with some Für Elises and Walking in
the airs, and the next time someone tells me they simply forgot to
practice I'll retire for good.)
How are you?
just awesome. I have more concerts than I can fit in my calendar, but
I'm loving every minute of it.
would really love performing if I'd had the time to practice the
stuff properly, which I now don't since there are all the other
concerts and so many different programs and so much music and so
little time. My performing outfit reeks of sweat, I have trouble
sleeping and my personal life is falling apart. The apartment is full
of dying flowers stuck in random bottles since the landlady refuses
to accept grand flower arrangements as rent, and the fridge is empty
since shops don't want the damn flowers either.)
How are you?
great! I'm a freelancer, so my life is a permanent mess of either too
much or too little work - I'm trying to keep either a burnout or
financial ruin at bay. But as I'm a professional musician I market
myself as a thriving, busy artist with heaps of confidence, gigs,
plans, hope, and creative potential. A professional musician is not
desperate or insecure, and they certainly don't have physical
problems, injuries, or any mental issues for that matter.
How are you?
if next time I really answered the question instead of responding
with marketing talk?